
Application Development

In Application Developent both Web Application Development and Mobile Application Development are very very crutial to full fill the business needs. Identifying the hybrid solution which works for both Web and Mobile development are the key to successfully meet the fastest growing technoloigical transformations.

We offer best architecture solution and suitable design for your business needs in the application development. Our team is expertise in development of both web and mobile by using various latest technoligies like AngularJS ReactJS for front end development.

NodeJS and SprintBoot by using Java and J2EE technologices for building the backend microservices. Our experienced team is proficient in providing the required support and performing the maitenance is key to help managing the application.

Based on the customer need and requirements our team will come up with best suitable solution to satisfy the all the reqiurements.

Cloud Computing

In the present world of business best approach to find the better solution is utilizing the Cloud Computing. This is to accomidate the fast fased technological growth and to be able to handle the sudden spike and usage of web and mobile applications due to various events can occur. scalling up based on the demand and scalling down when the demand goes down are very critical to fullfill your business needs in cosideration with cost effectiveness.

We provide Cloud computing services like IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). Our Services include providing the on-demand computer system resources (Data storage and Computing power).

To meet the business needs of customers, we help you in developing and executing the cloud-first strategy and manage your infrastructure, applications and data securely and efficiently. Our comprehensive and managed cloud services includes consulting, design, build, optimization followed by managing your private/public cloud environments. We help customers on development and deployment of verious services on multiple cloud platforms includes AWS, GCP and Azure.

We can also help you to scale and migrate your present application work-environments to cloud seamlessly.

Machine Learning

The primary goal of our machine learning (ML) team is to provide the strategies that are fully cloud driven. Our team will perform required analysis, assess them and identify the ML model which rightly fits the business problem. Verify if any performance risks in the process of implementation.

The business questions will be provided with solutions of practical approach on demand services by using supervised and unsupervised ML algorithm techniques. We provide services for all kinds of classification and regression related problems. Our ML model designs are capable of handling the various types of datasets such as time series, text, image, video etc while addressing business requirements.

Production and Deployment of ML models:

Finally, we provide the best practices of managing the ML projects. Moreover, we bridge the clear communication path between the business and ML teams. Our professional team takes care of addressing all the challenges involved during the deployment of the ML models to production.

Artificial Intelligence

The challenging times of COVID-19 proved that Artificial Intelligence (AI) Could be the pioneer for the world class business. We provide the AI services for the business problems where adding AI with data for better applications and user-friendly solutions.

We welcome the challenging problems from our customers and we help them with our well articulated solution with our best experinced team. Understanding the data from different sources (like data from satellites for atmospheric studies, data related to health and financial businesses etc) is very crucial.

Our team works to bring the AI environment/application to achieve the solution for the given business problem.

Feature extraction and selection are the primary steps of the AI. However, EDA aspects provides the better approach for the implementation of AI branches. We extensively work and use the various Machine learning and Deep Learning Algorithms. We at Brilliance Techies takes care of the requried POC to understand better in providing the most fit solution to delivery standards in all aspects.

Developing a novel artificial intelligence-based machine learning models to the business applications are at fore-front because of their utmost accuracies. We wrok very hard to provide satisfactions to our customers and clients in the market.

At Brilliant Techies we are very well prepared to address and provide best services to meet your expectations with AI-based applications. We try to provide solutions by Cloud first approach to deploy the various ML algorithems to the Production cloud environment.

We look forward to you to have the best experiece with our AI tecnological services/solutions.

Big Data & IOT

To know and understand, the present and future scope of any business, we need bigdata which contains various varieties(structures, unstructured and semistructured) of Data.

With large increasing volumes (tens of terabytes/hundreds of petabytes) and accumulating higher velocities (data streaming at fast rate) we need distributed systems to scale the data events. The challenges of Bigdata are because of its high complexities in terms of the datasets available from new data sources. Moreover, the present data processing software just can not manage them but we have to somehow handle the bigdata to address the business problems.

Technological breakthroughs of any business lies in identifying the hidden value of data by asking the right questions, recognize patterns in it. allow informed assumptions to predict the behaviour via the insightful analysts and business users.

Here we enter to support our customers, in helping them by providing the Integrate, Manage and Analyse services. In addition, we do support for the following.

  • Product development
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Drive innovation
  • Machine learning
  • Fraud and compliance
  • Operational efficiency

Support & Maintenance

We at Brilliant Techies provide all the required support and maintenance to help better manage the all kind of applications. Our experience team will be able to jump on any production issues and Provide the right solution in fixing the problem. We plan the migrations seemlessly without any impacts to the customers. We provide best young telent which is required to support and manage your applications. Our AIM is to make our customers happy with the products we deliver and manage them without any hurdles.