About Us


Customer Trust and Satisfaction is Our Driving Factor BrilliantTechies LLC is a Software Company to provide various Information Technology Services and Solutions. The company also provides IT Staffing and Consulting Services based on the required technological needs.

The idea behind the company formation is based on Critical Thinking.We explore the information and provide solutions. We observe the information and Interpret that information and deep dive into that information for detailed Analysis.After proper evaluation we provide solutions.

In today’s highly competitive environment,the critically thinking technical talent which we have helps us for Problem-Solving needs. and building the customer trust and satisfaction helps us in acheiving the integrity.

At BrilliantTechies LLC, we understand the importance of your organization of employee/customer satisfaction. The involvement of critically thinking technical talent helps us in delivering the high standard solutions and design. And employees who feel valued are motivated to make real and tangible contributions to the business.

Our main focus is achieving better solutions and implementations for the latest and greatest technological needs. Our primary goal is to involve the telent towards the new innovations like Machine Learning,Artifical Intelligence,Data Science and BigData.

We help in solutioning and implementation towards web and mobile application developent and deploying in cloud infrastructure.